Register of accredited educational programs (Master’s Degree)
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М07102-Chemical technology of organic substances Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М07203-Metallurgy Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М07101-Transport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07201-Mining Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07202-Oil and gas business Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М06103-Computer technology and software Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01513 – Computer science Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7М06102 – Information systems Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7M01502-Computer science Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7M05105-Genetics Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7M07112-Electric power industry Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7M07201-Oil and gas business Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7M05209-Geoecology and environmental management Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M05211-Ecology Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M06104-Computer Science Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M07111-Management in the electric power industry Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M07303-Картография Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М05206-Гидрология Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М06103-Компьютерная инженерия Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М06106-Математическое и компьютерное моделирование Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07301-Геодезия Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М11201-Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M04104-Государственное и местное управление Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04102-Экономика Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04112-Менеджмент Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04117-Учет и аудит Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04127-Финансы Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04116-Управление проектами Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04129-Маркетинг Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M11101-Туризм Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M11301-Логистика (по отраслям) Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M04109-Инновационный менеджмент Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05404-Механика Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07119-Космическая техника и технологии Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07113-Бизнес аналитика и Big Data+ Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05312-Ядерная физика Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05310-Физика и астрономия Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05304-Техническая физика Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07501-Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям) Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07109-Теплоэнергетика Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07116-Материаловедение и технология новых материалов Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07503-Метрология Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07105-Химическая технология неорганических веществ Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07106-Химическая технология органических веществ Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07104-Химическая технология взрывчатых веществ и пиротехнических средств Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07120-Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M08401-Рыбное хозяйство и промышленное рыболовство Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07101-Нефтехимия Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05112-Геоботаника Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05109-Биотехнология Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7M06110-Computer science Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7M01101 – Pedagogy and psychology Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04107 – Business administration Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04105 – Economics Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M01602 – History Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04219 – Jurisprudence (Profile) Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Country
7М07103 – Automation and management of production Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2027 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М04111 – State and local government Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7М04121 – Economy Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7M04131 – Finance Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М04130 – Corporate Management (2 years of study) Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М04131 – Corporate Management (1 year of study) Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М04157 – Business Administration (Executive MBA) Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
6М071100-Geodesy Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М090300-Land use planning Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М071300-Transport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М070200-Automation and management Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М070600-Geology and exploration of the MPI Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6M070900-Metallurgy Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М042000-Architecture Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
7M05302-Materials for nuclear energy Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М04101-The economics of innovation Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М04106-Accounting and auditing at enterprises Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07202-Mineral processing Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07206-Innovative methods of obtaining uranium products Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07501-Standardization and certification Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М08301-Forest resources and forestry Master’s degree 23.06.2019 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7M07313 – Civil Engineering Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07103 – Heat and Power Engineering Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04103 – Economics of Innovation Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04105 – Industrial management Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M04108 – Financial analyst Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07107 – Transport, transport equipment & technologies Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2031 Kazakhstan
7M07108 – Transport, transport equipment & technologies Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05401 – Mathematics Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07202 – Mineral processing engineering Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2031 Kazakhstan
7M07204 – Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2031 Kazakhstan
7M07302 – Geodesy Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M06103 – Mathematical and computer modellinging Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М07103-Electric power industry Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07501-Standardization, certification and metrology Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07102-Transport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07101-Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7М04104 Management Master’s degree 27.05.2022 – 26.05.2027 Kazakhstan
7М04110 Economy Master’s degree 27.05.2022 – 26.05.2027 Kazakhstan
7М04211 Jurisprudence Master’s degree 27.05.2022 – 26.05.2027 Kazakhstan
7М11307 Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport Master’s degree 27.05.2022 – 26.05.2027 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7M07101-Automation and robotization Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М07113-Electrical engineering and power engineering Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М07112-Digitalization of machine-building production Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07102-Additive manufacturing Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07136-Additive manufacturing Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7M05105 – Biotechnology Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M11302 – Logistics Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
6М073100-Life safety and environmental protection Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М070600-Geology and exploration of mineral deposits Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М074700-Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of MPI Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М070700-Mining Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М050600-Economy Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М051000-State and local government Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
7М04104 – Industrial Economics Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07202 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07201 – Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07203 – Mining Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M11201 – Life safety and environmental protection Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07302 – Civil Engineering Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07107 – Electric power engineering Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М01503 – Computer science Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7М06101 – Information systems and technologies Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7М06102 – IT entrepreneurship and the digital economy Master’s degree 06.03.2023 – 05.03.2028 Kazakhstan
7M01401 – Vocational education Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M01502 – Mathematics Master’s degree 24.06.2024 – 23.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7M04103/7М04119/7М04120-Accounting and auditing Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М04104/7М04121/7М04122-Finance Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М04105/7М04123/7М04124-State and local government Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М04114/7М04127/7М04128-Evaluation Master’s degree 13.12.2019 – 13.12.2024 Kazakhstan
7М08702-Energy supply for agriculture Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7М07103-Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7М08607-Design of hydraulic structures Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2023 Kazakhstan
7М01405-Professional training Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07109-Electric power industry Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07112-Technological machines and equipment Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М08701-Agricultural machinery and technology Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М11201-Life safety and environmental protection Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7M04102-Management Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М06102-Information systems Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07108-Thermal power engineering Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М06103-Computer technology and software Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7M06101-Automation and management Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07104-Transport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М11301-Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07103 – Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М08702 – Energy supply for agriculture Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М08607 – Design of hydraulic structures Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М05401-Mathematics Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М01501-Training of teachers in natural science subjects (Mathematics) Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М01504-Training of teachers in natural science subjects (Physics) Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7М01507-Computer science Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7M06101-Information systems Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
7M05302-Physics Master’s degree 18.06.2021 – 17.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01701-Kazakh language and literature Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01704-Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01703-Foreign language: two foreign languages Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01705-Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7М01702-Russian language and literature Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
7M01601-History Master’s degree 21.12.2021 – 20.12.2026 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М11101 Tourism Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
6M070300-Information systems Master’s degree 24.12.2018 – 24.12.2023 Kazakhstan
6М070400-Computer technology and software Master’s degree 24.12.2018 – 24.12.2023 Kazakhstan
6M071800-Electric power industry Master’s degree 24.12.2018 – 24.12.2023 Kazakhstan
6М072400-Technological machines and equipment (by industry) Master’s degree 24.12.2018 – 24.12.2023 Kazakhstan
6М080600-Agricultural machinery and technology Master’s degree 24.12.2018 – 24.12.2023 Kazakhstan
7M06102 – Information Systems Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M08701 – Agricultural Engineering and Technology Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07101 – Electric Power Engineering Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07102 – Technological Machines and Equipment (engineering) Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2031 Kazakhstan
7M01501 – Biology Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05302 – Chemistry Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05201 – Geoecology and Environmental Management Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05401 – Mathematics Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M08101 – Agronomy Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M08201 – Technology of Livestock Production Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M09101 – Veterinary Medicine Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
7M09102 – Veterinary Sanitary Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М07130-Transport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07117-Thermal power engineering Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07140-Nanomaterials and nanotechnology Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07311-Geodesy Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07320-Architecture Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07361-Production of building materials, products and structures Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М07550-Metrology Master’s degree 23.06.2020 – 22.06.2025 Kazakhstan
7М06306-Information security systems Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7M07146-Space engineering and technology Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7М07352-Engineering systems and networks Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7М05207-Natural resource management Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7М05301-Applied Chemistry Master’s degree 30.06.2022 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan
7М06109 – Administrator for the management and protection of computer systems and networks in enterprises Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М06307 – Cryptology/2г Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2026 Kazakhstan
7М07118 – Electric power industry Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М05104 – General and applied biotechnology Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2028 Kazakhstan
7М05308 – Medical Physics Master’s degree 19.06.2023 – 18.06.2026 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М0720-Metallurgy Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2024 Kazakhstan
7М0710-Electric power industry Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7M0720-Mining Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07303 – Construction Master’s degree 25.05.2022 – 26.05.2025 Kazakhstan
7M07204 – Metallurgy Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М07104 – Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 31.05.2024 – 30.05.2029 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
6М080200-Technology of production of livestock products Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М080100-Agronomy Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М074500-Transport construction Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М070100-Biotechnology Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
6М072700-Food technology Master’s degree 12.06.2019 – 12.06.2024 Kazakhstan
7М06102-Information systems Master’s degree 27.05.2022 – 26.05.2025 Kazakhstan
7M05301 – Physics Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05401 – Mathematics Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07105 – Instrument Making Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07301 – Construction Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07351 – Construction Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07303 – Transport construction Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07103 – Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07103 – Mechanical engineering Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07502 – Metrology Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07501 – Standardization and certification (by industry) Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М08201 – Technology for the production of livestock products Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07109 – Chemical technology of organic substances Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07108 – Chemical technology of inorganic substances Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М05302 – Chemistry Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07202 – Technology of food products Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05102 – Biotechnology Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05101 – Biology Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7B05201 – Ecology Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M11201 – Life safety and environmental protection Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07302 – Рroduction of building materials, products and structures Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M07110 – Technological machines and equipment (by industry) Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M05202 – Geography Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7M11101 – Tourism Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07104 – Tpansport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М07154 – Tpansport, transport equipment and technologies Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2029 Kazakhstan
7М08101 – Agronomy Master’s degree 12.06.2024 – 11.06.2031 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М04107-Business administration Master’s degree 23.12.2020 – 22.12.2025 Kazakhstan
Educational program Level Terms of accreditation Сountry
7М07201-Oil and gas business Master’s degree 24.05.2021 – 23.05.2026 Kazakhstan
7M07101-Chemical technology of organic substances Master’s degree 30.06.2021 – 29.06.2027 Kazakhstan