The appeal Commission considers complaints of educational organizations about decisions on institutional or program accreditation adopted by the Accreditation Council. The appeal commission makes a decision on the appeal in accordance with these rules. The commission is formed for a period of three years and consists of three people.
The personal composition of the commission, the chairman of the commission, the secretary and members of the commission are approved by the order of the president of KAZSEE. The chairman is elected by voting from among the members of the commission. Each team member must give written consent to participate in the appeal commission. Changes in the composition of the commission are carried out in compliance with the requirements provided for in this document. At the same time, the term of office of a new member of the Commission is limited to the term of office of this Commission.
Meetings of the commission are held as appeal documents are received. Members of the commission are notified of the date, time and place of the meeting of the Commission, determined by the Chairman, no later than seven calendar days before the meeting. A meeting of the commission is valid if at least three people are present, with the exception of the secretary. The decision of the commission is considered adopted if more than half of those present at the meeting voted for it.
The appeal Commission considers applications received from educational organizations in writing on an official form signed by the head of the educational organization addressed to the president of KAZSEE at the address: Almaty, microdistrict. Spring 3, 24 Corps. All appeal cases are carefully considered by the appeal Commission, on which an urgent decision is made.