Erasmus Mundus is a higher education cooperation and mobility program that aims to improve the quality of European higher education and promote dialogue and mutual understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with third countries. In addition, it promotes the development of human resource potential and international cooperation in higher education institutions in third countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and partner countries.
Objectives of the program:


KAZSEE participates in ERASMUS+ projects:
accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education in Central Asia through modernization and Curriculum Development (ACADEMICA)

The aim of the project is to bring together European universities that have innovative teaching methods and provide extensive international experience in advanced developments, and universities from partner countries from Central Asia (CA) that need the same achievements, practice and experience.
The specific tasks/problems of the 7th Central Asian Region (CA) will be solved by ensuring accessibility and harmonization of higher education in Central Asia through the modernization of curricula and the implementation of the ACADEMICA project, which aims to promote voluntary convergence with the EU experience in engineering research.

The innovative nature consists in:

The project aims to create short- and long-term benefits for higher education, business and society by promoting European values through:

The countries participating in the project are Bulgaria, Austria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Italy, Spain.


ERASMUS + 598506-EPP-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “EngineeriNg educoTors pEdagogical tRaining / ENTER”

The main goal of the ENTER project is to develop a multi-level modular system of pedagogical training for teachers of engineering disciplines based on international network cooperation. Seven project objectives have been identified:

The ENTER project will develop an innovative approach to the professional and pedagogical training of teachers of engineering disciplines within the framework of formal postgraduate education, based on the principles of intercultural communication and international cooperation. This approach is characterized by a combination of low financial costs and ease of use, maximizing the use of e-learning technologies. In addition, it has prospects of obtaining international recognition and accreditation. Compared with existing analogues, the ENTER project approach has expanded possibilities for using individual educational trajectories and adapting engineering and pedagogical training to the needs of teachers and universities (for example, at the national or regional level), and can also be used to train teachers in various fields of engineering.

The ipad engineering teacher training program developed in the ENTER project has a 3-level hierarchical structure and meets the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. In fact, this structure provides for 3 educational programs of different content and duration, under conditional names:

The modular structure of the program means that the ipt-1 modules are included in the ipad-2 and further modules of both programs are included in the i PET-3. Thus, a stable trajectory of self-development of teachers is ensured, and they can independently choose trajectories for improving their skills. Teachers have the opportunity to combine modules, choosing them from among those taught at different universities participating in the ENTER network.

Project Coordinator:

EU Partners:

Partners (Russia):

Partners (Kazakhstan):


ERASMUS + 598317-EPP-1-2018-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “SMARTCITY: Innovative Aproach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies”

The project “SMARTCITY: Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies” – “SMARTCITY: An innovative approach to the master’s program in smart city technologies” is aimed at improving the efficiency of IT education, developing cooperation between universities and business enterprises, as well as training qualified personnel to implement smart city technologies and the Internet of Things.
The project will be implemented over three years, from November 2018 to November 2021.

To implement the educational process, a laboratory base on smart city and Internet of Things technologies will be created, textbooks on modern industrial programming technologies will be prepared.
Erasmus+ is a grant program of the European Union aimed at supporting cooperation in the fields of education, vocational training, youth and sports. The Erasmus+ project competition in 2018 was very high: out of the total number of applications accepted for consideration – 874 – financing of 147 applications was approved. The number of applications with the participation of Russia amounted to 102, of which 10 will be funded, including the project of the Gagarin State Technical University.

Project Coordinator:

EU Partners:

Partners (Russia):

Partners (Mongolia):

Partners (Kazakhstan):